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How I went from being successful & single for over 15 years going on endless dates and in dead end relationships to…..  

Happily married, two sons, and a Rock Solid inner confidence that no man could take away!
Being single wasn't really a concern; I thought love would just happen when the time was right. I moved to Southern CA in my mid-20’s on my own from Austin, TX. and eventually left my career as a professional psychotherapist to start a new & exciting role as an IT headhunter…trying to appy the same principles in dating that made me successful in my career.

At the ripe age of 30, I was in and out of a too many short-term relationships and always knew deep down that I didn’t want to settle & thought the right man would just find me.

As a romantic, I watched shows like Sex in the City and like all the fabulous characters, I went through years of yo-yo dating reading all the best but confusing self-help and dating Rules Books convincing myself that
there was just a lack of quality men out there.  
My life was good single. Yet why deep down, did I feel so lonely like something was wrong with me?
I'd tell myself, I am a catch and never…never…going to settle! Yet, I would often date the wrong types of men that were either not interested in being in a committed relationship or to immature to actually give me what it would take to move forward.

Yes, all my girlfriends were getting married and I secretly started to wonder why was I attracting the wrong men in my life? Why was I still single? Why was it so easy for everyone else to find and fall in love, but not me?  

Don’t act to interested but be assertive and go for it ...don’t be too desperate, but don’t wait for him to call first, don’t change who you are, just be yourself. What the heck? It got so confusing all these contradictory messages. 
How it all began…
Marcus was my first love. He was 22 years old, the pastor's son, and lived  across the street from me. He was also the first one to set my naive 19-year old heart on fire with those magical words young women so desperately dream of hearing...

"I love you." I fell head over heels and yet, it didn't work.  

I was devastated and hurt that Marcus would lie to me and choose another. He told me he loved me. What happened? And so I decided to not get hurt again. My college experiences continued to teach me that vulnerability in love  wasn't safe. 
That’s when I decided to always protect myself with my imaginary wall that no man could really penetrate.
Date down, the wrong type, or leave the man first; you controlled the outcome. I suddenly didn’t have time to date, dating was too much work, most men were just too immature, I didn’t really need a man to feel complete, and the timing just wasn’t right. Love would just happen.

This is how I dated for decades. Protecting myself with busyness & occasionally attracting men not worthy of me. My excuses seemed legitimate but months turned into years.   
But I always thought “the one” would just find me and then I would be ready to let love in. 
Crazy thoughts happen when you are WAITING for real love to find you. One year flies by into the next and one relationship ends and folds into another failed relationship until all you have is a big stack of failed short-term relationships...or worse, none at all.

Then, at the wise age of 34, I woke up. It suddenly hit me. 

I had to raise my Standards not my Requirements. 

I had to stop waiting to be CHOSEN and had to start doing the CHOOSING. I had to start BE the ONE to FIND the ONE.   

I decided to ditch the "dating Do's and Don'ts" and all those complicated rules! Hollywood lied to me….love doesn’t always just happen and it doesn’t always last forever. Thank goodness there was no one soulmate or I was screwed!  
Over the next year I worked on my self-esteem, read books on confidence, decided to take big risks, and discovered some serious blind spots I had in dating ...
At 34 y.o., I was at a crossroads and had to make the most important decision of my life. I had to follow my Faith and choose to "believe in love". It's  never too late if you are willing to own it. 

So I made a decision to let love in….and learn more what men wanted from women and how I could attract the kind of man that shared my values.  I dated a man that wasn't my usual type. 
I learned some valuable secrets about men and myself through this relationship that changed my life, and now I'm going to save you so much time by sharing with you what took me over 15 yrs. to learn. 
I'm going to share with you some critical principles that changed the way I dated and the kind of men I chose that led to me choosing the right man, falling in love, and marrying him. Yes! I did it and so can you. 
Everything seemed so complicated all those years and turns out there are some very simple principles about dating and men that, if you follow, can save you a lot of heartache and frustration. Don’t you wish our mothers or someone would taught us about men & dating?
I want you to understand one thing. It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for your failed relationships. 
Women have been taught that the right man will come along when you least expect it and sweep us off our feet. That's what Hollywood has trained us to believe. 

But Hollywood has given us a fairy tale...

The way I was approaching men, dating, and relationships was straight out of a manufactured fantasy. Hollywood movies made it look like it would just happen and that it love could conquer all…blah blah blah.  

The formula was this: I meet a man, we have instant chemistry, you just know it when you see him, we fall madly in love, we have a family, and he is loyal to only me forever, and we ride off into the sunset…or at least take trips to the Caribbean. 

I mean if it happens in movies and on TV, it's going to happen to you and me!! Right? 

Every bit of Western pop culture from magazines to books to fashion to TV to music and movies... tell women conflicting information that is constantly making us doubt ourselves….that if we were just smarter, thinner, and younger, and sexier, the man of our dreams will literally fall into our laps. Why? 

Because we live in a world where everything is moving so fast and the digital world is taking over…

More is better right? Faster, better, more choices. We want instant everything, and are so distracted and disconnected that it’s a wonder we can even sit together for a full on hour on a date.

You're tired of the dating game, I know.  You wish you could just skip that part and be "in the relationship."

Dating and life is about the journey girlfriend, not the destination.  And if you say yes, it's about get to fun!

I am going to Share 3-Secrets that I think can help you not only “Recognize & Attract” true relationship minded men, but Keep the relationship.

Are you ready?  Ready to discover and apply what I am about to share with you?
Oh yeah, want to discover the 
"Secrets to Sexcess" to help you 
Recognize & Attract a HIGH Quality Man 
Without Settling
Join my free training ...
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